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Correl Draw X5 with Keygen+Crack

CorelDRAW Graphics Suite is an impressive collection of powerful design software that can tackle all sorts of design jobs. Included in the package are: CorelDRAW, the main application for vector design and layout; Corel PHOTO-PAINT, for editing and retouching photos, Corel CAPTURE, for screengrabs; ConceptShare, a collaboration service; and the Bitstream Font Navigator. There are also a bevy of smaller utilities such as a bar-code wizard and an app for helping users optimize two-sided printouts.

With a suite that includes that many programs and features, it's essential to have solid in-program help, and CorelDRAW is loaded with dynamic hints, video product tours, and hands-on project tutorials that will have you designing elements in no time. Expert advice from professional designers walks users through specific practices such as airbrushing logos and creating textile patterns.

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Camtasia Studio (Software maker video tutorials)+Serial

That is a software that serves to capture, record computer screen, this software suitable for such percentage or activity. Camtasia can also make a video presentation using Microsoft power point and the results also can be a CD, DVD, MPEG, Html, Xml, and others depending on demand.

Above may be a little description about the function of this software for more details, please try to own.

Download Camtasia click the image below


And for for its training modules can be found here

Factors Affecting Slow Computer Performance

Sometimes we get annoyed when our computer was slow (hang), actually many factors that influence the situation and the various ways people handle it well. Most people overcome this problem using the help of software, it's partly the way it could work, but instead of adding a variety of utility software that will add to the burden alone computer. In my experience many ways of overcoming it without the help of software that SECAM.

We describe exactly what factors that make the computer to be slow:

  • Early you should be able to know the computer age or age of the hardware first. because we know the performance of hardware will not always be a maximum of more and more, often / long you use the hardware performance will be minor (eg, Memory, HDD, Processor, Motherboard, Powersuply, etc.).
  • Physical treatments on the computer sometimes we do not run the computer hardware that causes a state full of dirty with dust and other. 
  • Excessive Use of software that exceeds the normal capacity or range of computer work. 
  • Not well or not well-structured file-file/folder in our computer. 
  • Outbreaks of virus / malware, or other such things. 
  • Perhaps there are many more other factors that will make the computer slow

The step-by-step how to overcome these problems, few experiences that I found are:
  • First try to condition our computer in a state of well groomed in the sense of clean (dust / dirt).
  • At least 3 months once done checking hardware. 
  • Familiarize Disk Defragment on our computers at least 1 month to once a destination for the files organized and neatly arranged. and maintain the stability of the hard disk condition. 
  • Reduce excessive use of software, just that we often we use it, let alone software associated with utility computer systems which would have impacts that are at risk. 
  • Install anti-virus on your computer. No need to be choosy about what a good anti-virus, essentially as long as anti-virus installed in our computer is always updated. This will reduce the entry of the virus / malware and others in our computer. 
  • Use the computer / PC we do not get used as needed and computers work in more than 24 hours, let alone for days.
Maybe it's just that suggestion and the way that while this can I describe based on my own experience. I'm sure there are many other factors and how much of this. And for those of you who want to add please comment on this article. Thank you and may be useful.

Sales Application Program Alfapos + Cracked

This time it 4-all will share about one of the sales application, the software is fairly important for your employer, for those of you who like to do business. As for facilities / features of this Alfapos including:
  • Data Sales
  • Data purchase
  • Data inventory / stock items
  • Finance (petty cash, petty cash, accounts payable)
  • Master data (customer data, supplier data, employee data, data item)
  • Support the hardware (barcode scanners, receipt printers, Pole / Customer Display, Barcode Printer, Cash Drawer)
Perhaps there are many more features of this software because I do not really understand this software, for more details, please download here.

Download AlfaPos Click Pictures Below this.


How to fix your hard drive

Sometimes we confused when we were damaged hard drive, especially in the hard disk contained data or important documents we are. Now 4-all share a little about how to repair a damaged disk.

1. Level 1 Damage that occurred at this level usually caused Bad sectors. To handle this there are several ways and variations of the experiment, adjusted to the hard drive brand and the number of bad sectors.

For the initial handler can use the command FORMAT C: / C (adjust the drive which will be formatted). / C is used to clean up the cluster which is broken.

The second step, if not managed can use the Disk Manager program from each hard drive manufacturer.

If not successful you also can use the software HDDREG, please download on the internet program.

If not successful try the Low Level Format or Zero Files.

If you still can not, you can do cutting damaged sector of hard disks which, by dividing it and not use a damaged sector.
2.Level 2
The damage at level 2 is Losing Hard Disk Partitioning and Data. This could be caused by a virus or error using utility programs. One is to be considered in hard drive partition to restore the lost, the hard drive capacity and type of file system. Partition with a FAT File System is more easily restored than NTFS or Linux File System.

-Check the first hard disk partition by using FDISK or Disk Manager

- To restore it can use software such as Acronis Disk Director, Handy Recovery, Stellar Phoniex etc.
3.Level 3
Erosive damage to the hard drive detected in BIOS but can not be used, always an error message appears when the computer do the POST. This is usually caused FIRMWARE troubled from the hard disk. For these symptoms are more common in Maxtor brand hard drive series with the names of Gods. To fix it you can download the firmware program from the hard drive brand website.
4.Level 4
The damage that causes the hard drive is not correctly detected by BIOS and can not be used again. This is the hardest level in my opinion. Due to the repairs we need a little tweaking tooling electronic devices and components inside. Tackling the hard drive is not detected by the BIOS in many ways.

- Check the electrical current which flows into the hard drive

Replace the IC on the mainboard Harddisk

Open the Cover Cover your hard disk and check the position of Head hard drive

How to reply Extreme damaged hard drive which can replace hard drive components with which the damage is different from the others, can be a way to replace maiboard or take her IC.
Hopefully this could be an additional reference for you who want to try to repair the hard drive. Good luck

Warning Messages When Login to Windows

You have a computer that is in use by some people? You are then was - was the meditation of your computer. By this time the tips of Giving Warning Messages When the Log on to Windows, you can write a message in the form of message alerts that will appear when there is a log into Windows. Alert message will appear before filling the username and password (for those who use classic logon).

Step - step quite easy. Interested? Follow the steps below:

  • Go to the registry editor as usual, with the click start -> run type regedit and press Enter / Click OK
  • Now browse to the following address:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ policies \ system
  • Create two STRING value by right-clicking an empty area on the right with the following provisions:
STRING values first rename it with LegalNoticeCaption and change value be CAUTION!!
STRING rename it with a second value and change LegalNoticeText value become Heart - heart to operate this computer. The damage resulted in death on Users. Thank You

  • After that restart your computer
Replace the text in red with the words - your words

Easy - I hope Gives tips When Warning Messages Log in to Windows useful. Thank You

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