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Install Security Gap (shortcut LNK) on XP-SP2

As we already know that support for Windows XP SP2 already ended July 13, 2010 yesterday. That means no more updates since that date, although there are vulnerabilities that ENDANGER. As has recently happened, there is a security hole on the shortcut link (LNK) which allows its active malware (viruses, trojans etc.) only by opening the folder / drive that contains a specific shortcut.
When the computer agan no link / shortcut like this: ~ WTR4141.tmp, ~ WTR4132.tmp, Mrxcls.sys, or Mrxnet.sys, Copy of Shortcut to.lnk, Copy of Copy of Shortcut to.lnk, Copy of Copy of Copy of Shortcut to.lnk, Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Shortcut to.lnk means the computer is infected.
Microsoft has anticipated this by releasing an update to its operating system, from Windows XP to Windows 7. But for Windows XP SP2, have not provided anymore.
For users of Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) is recommended to get an update to SP3 for updates is always there. But if for some reason windows can not update to SP3 and should continue to use SP2, still there are tips for installing this update LNK.
Update Windows XP is named WindowsXP-x86-ENU.exe-KB2286198 (2.9 MB) is when the open its properties (right click and select Properties), in section / Version tab, will display the information that this update for Windows XP SP2 and SP3.

But when installed on Windows XP SP2, will be shown the following error message ("Setup has detected That the version of the Service Pack is installed on your system what is Lower Than Necessary to apply this hotfix. At a minimum, you must have Service Pack 3 installed. ")
Installation for detecting as SP3, then it could be done Registry Hack as follows:
1. Open the Windows Registry: from the Start menu, select Run and type regedit
2. After performing the Windows' Registry Editor, locate the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Contro l \ Windows
3. Double-click CSDVersion
4. Change the value (content) to 300 (300 = SP3, 200 = SP2)
Keep in mind that the update for Windows XP SP2 with this file is not officially tested by Microsoft or supported by Microsoft. F-secure blog is already trying to install these updates in SP2 and testing of the gap LNK, and indeed the security hole could be closed (Malware / viruses can not be active).
With Update for Windows XP Embedded
If you do not want to tamper with the registry, can alternatively use the Security Update for Windows XP Embedded. The name is WindowsXP-KB2286198 update-custom-x86-ENU.exe (3.0 MB). Installing this update does not need to hack the registry and have functions similar to the previous update
For users of Windows XP SP3 - Windows 7 bs donlod updates HERE 

Seperti sudah kita ketahui bahwa support untuk Windows XP SP2 sudah berakhir 13 Juli 2010 kemarin. Artinya tidak ada update lagi sejak tanggal itu, meski terdapat CELAH KEAMANAN YANG MEMBAHAYAKAN. Seperti yang belum lama terjadi, terdapat celah keamanan tentang shortcut link (LNK) yang memungkinkan aktifnya malware (virus, trojan dll) hanya dengan membuka folder/drive yang berisi shortcut tertentu.

Bila di komputer agan ada link/shortcut seperti ini: ~WTR4141.tmp, ~WTR4132.tmp, Mrxcls.sys,atau Mrxnet.sys, Copy of Shortcut to.lnk, Copy of Copy of Shortcut to.lnk, Copy of Copy of Copy of Shortcut to.lnk, Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Shortcut to.lnk berarti komputer sudah terinfeksi.

Microsoft sudah mengantisipasi hal ini dengan mengeluarkan update untuk sistem operasinya, mulai dari windows XP sampai Windows 7. Tetapi untuk Windows XP SP2, sudah tidak disediakan lagi.

Bagi pengguna Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) memang dianjurkan untuk segera di update ke SP3 agar update-update senantiasa ada. Tetapi jika karena suatu hal windows tidak bisa di update ke SP3 dan harus tetap menggunakan SP2, masih ada tips untuk menginstall update LNK ini.

Update windows XP yang bernama WindowsXP-KB2286198-x86-ENU.exe (2.9 MB) ini ketika di buka properties-nya ( klik kanan dan pilih Properties ), di bagian/tab Version, akan ditampilkan keterangan bahwa update ini untuk Windows XP SP2 dan SP3.

Tetapi ketika di install di windows XP SP2, akan ditampilkan pesan Error seperti berikut ( “Setup has detected that the version of the Service Pack installed on your system is lower than what is necessary to apply this hotfix. At minimum, you must have Service Pack 3 installed.” )

Agar Installasi mendeteksi sebagai SP3, maka bisa dilakukan Registry Hack sebagai berikut :

1. Buka Registry Windows : dari start menu, pilih Run dan tuliskan regedit

2. Setelah tampil Windows “Registry Editor”, cari Key berikut :
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Windows

3. Klik dua kali CSDVersion

4. Ubah nilainya (isinya) dengan 300 ( 300 = SP3, 200 = SP2 )

Perlu di ingat bahwa update untuk windows XP SP2 dengan file ini tidak di test secara resmi oleh microsoft atau di dukung oleh Microsoft. F-secure blog sudah mencoba install update ini di SP2 dan mengetest terhadap celah LNK, dan memang celah keamanan bisa tertutup
( malware/virus tidak bisa aktif ).

Dengan Update untuk Windows XP Embedded

Jika tidak ingin mengutak-atik registry, alternatifnya bisa menggunakan Security Update untuk Windows XP Embedded. Nama updatenya adalah WindowsXP-KB2286198-x86-custom-ENU.exe (3.0 MB). Installasi update ini tidak perlu meng-hack registry dan mempunyai fungsi yang sama dengan update sebelumnya

Utk pengguna Windows XP SP3 - Windows 7 bs donlod update DISINI

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